Performance, Security and Reliability are just some of the reasons why EmbedSpace, Find out more about the benefits of Our Service.
Centralise your data and Be organised.
Don’t search through all of your apps, devices, and hard drives to find a single file. Store all of your data – such as photos, documents, and even bigger files in one safe place so that you can organise and tackle your information efficiently.
One click to send large files.
Sending files has never been easier. EmbedSpace allows users to Securely Send large files such as huge photos, enormous videos, or any data files to anybody with, even if they do not have an EmbedSpace account, with a link sent via email or shared directly from EmbedSpace. Collaborate on big videos, high-resolution images, and graphics-heavy decks without caring about server space, email size limit.
Secure collaboration.
One place to work together.
We didn't support any third-party applications to view or edit your content due to security and privacy reasons. You can share your data with other users of EmbedSpace. Organizations and Companies can store a massive amount of data and collaborates with their teams at EmbedSpace. Our Systems supports unlimited file versioning with flexible versioning control.
Enables resumable data transfer,
Utilizes bandwidth at maximum.
Nowadays, the network transfer rate may be high, But it is not costless. We are using tus resumable protocol for transferring big files to EmbedSpace. It is a reliable solution for File Uploads. Users can upload directly from their apps to EmbedSpace using custom tus service endpoint points powered by EmbedSpace.
Unlimited API calls at free of cost.
ES-API's allows clients to interact with our servers securely from a remote area. Users can create, update, and list contents associated with their account. We didn't put any limit for your requests and no additional charges.
EmbedSpace provides High Performance,
Cost Effective and Scalable Cloud Storage.
Get in touch If you have any questions or just want to say hi, please feel free to send us an email to:

[email protected]
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