At EmbedSpace, the security of your data is our highest priority.
How we protect your files?
EmbedSpace is designed with multiple layers of protection across a distributed, reliable infrastructure. Access files securely from web, our apps, or via connected third-party apps.
Encryption & Govern the flow of data.
EmbedSpace protects files in transit between our apps and our servers, and at rest. Each file is split into discrete blocks, which are encrypted using a strong cipher. All communications with EmbedSpace are transmitted over SSL (HTTPS) for both access to the public website as well as our storage and ES-APIs.
File Recovery & Versioning.
EmbedSpace saves a history of all deleted and previous versions of files, and allows you to restore them for up to 7 days. EmbedSpace file versioning system keeps unlimited number of old copies for a single file.
Strict Security Testing.
EmbedSpace is secure by default. We test our infrastructure and apps regularly to identify and patch vulnerabilities. EmbedSpace follows industry-best security models and security design practices. We also work with third-party specialists, industry security teams and the security research community to keep our users and their files safe.
Third-party Access.
EmbedSpace has terms and guidelines for third-party developers to create apps that connect to EmbedSpace whilst respecting user privacy and account security. HTTPS is supported for the secure upload/download of data. In addition, we use industry-standard protocol for authorisation, to allow users to grant apps different levels of service access without exposing their credentials.
Protecting your privacy
It's our responsibility to protect your data from unauthorised access. We've designed policies and controls to safeguard the collection, use, and disclosure of your information. We also use encrypted traffic and communication in all critical parts of our system to ensure the safety of your data. We monitor how work happens inside and outside your service, with insights and complete audit trails.
Protecting your account
EmbedSpace offers several tools to protect your account from attacks. To help keep your files safe, enable two-factor authentication, monitor third-party apps, and adjust your security settings.
Use a unique, strong passwords.
Create a password you don't use anywhere else, and make it difficult to guess. When creating your account or resetting your password, test your password with our strength estimator.
Use Two-Factor Authentication.
Two-Factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. Every time you sign in to Dropbox, you'll be required to enter a unique code sent to your phone, or a one-time, time-limited code generated from a supported mobile app, like Google Authenticator. This is a highly effective way to protect your account from unauthorized access.
Reporting A Security Vulnerability

Please email us [email protected]

We want to keep EmbedSpace safe and secure for everyone. If you have noticed a security vulnerability, we would appreciate your help disclosing it to us in a responsible manner. Publicly disclosing a vulnerability can put the entire EmbedSpace community at risk. If you have discovered a possible vulnerability, we would appreciate you emailing us at [email protected]. We will work with you to assess and understand the issue's scope and fully address any concerns. Any emails are immediately sent to our support and engineering staff to ensure that problems are addressed rapidly. Any security emails are treated with the highest priority as the safety and security of our service is our primary concern.
EmbedSpace provides High Performance,
Cost Effective and Scalable Cloud Storage.
Get in touch If you have any questions or just want to say hi, please feel free to send us an email to:

[email protected]
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